- A monastery church. 修道院的教堂
- (British) a monastery church. (英国)修道院附属的教堂。
- The head of a monastery or a group of monasteries. 修道院名誉院长修道院或一组修道院的院长
- A monastery supervised by an abbot. 男修道院由男性任院长的修道院
- A church that is or once was part of a monastery or convent. 属修道院教堂属于或曾属于大修道院或大寺院的教堂
- I will become a celibate, and join a monastery... 我要成为独身者,去加入一个修道院...
- The head of a religious community, such as a monastery, an abbey, or a convent. 修道院院长宗教团体,例如修道院、寺院或女修道院的主持人
- Late on this became a church term and was the title of the ecclesiastic who was at the head of ten monks in a monastery . 关于这一晚成为一所教堂和长期的标题牧师谁是在10头和尚在寺院。
- Some of the political refugees found sanctuary in a monastery. 一些政治避难者在修道院中找到了避难所
- The monastic life or system,especially as practiced in a monastery. 僧院生活或制度,尤指在僧院中实施的
- A collection of deeds or charters, especially a register of titles to all the property of an estate or a monastery. 契据登记簿契约或契据集,尤指一处地产或一所修道院所有财产的所有权登记簿
- The Master ordinarily dissuaded people from living in a monastery. 大师通常会劝止人们住进修道院。
- She died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery. 她对世间的事物很漠然,最后进入修道院。
- He has cloistered himself in a monastery for more than thirty years. 他隐居于修道院中已三十余年。
- This country used to be a British colony in Asia. 这个国家曾是英国在亚洲的殖民地。
- Criosacinna are men of noble birth or high station joining a monastery as lay-brothers and being sponsored with weapons and equipment provided by the Church, forming a sort of proto-Militant Order. 克里奥萨基纳部队成员皆来自贵族或社会上层,以世俗修士身份进入修会,由修道院提供武器装备,由此成为准军事宗教武装。
- The British line was forced back a short distance. 英军的阵线被迫后退一段距离。
- A place, especially a monastery or convent, devoted to religious seclusion. 修道院用于宗教隐居的地方,尤指修道院或女修道院
- It will be a large church wedding. 那将是一次大型的教堂式婚礼。
- There, a monastery and a field hospital are held by one side then the other. 在那里,一座修道院和一个战地医院频繁易守。